Why Does Chunmee Tea Feel Fresh And Bitter?

Update:25 Dec 2020

  Fresh, sweet and bitter, the taste of tea, the gift of nature. At the entrance of the tea soup, the sweet, bitter, and astringent taste quickly captures the taste buds and wanders around the body, bringing the "muscles and bones clear, fascinating" drinking experience.

  Do you know why chunmee tea feels sweet and bitter? In fact, this is related to the content of chunmee tea.

  Fresh: amino acids

  The fresh and refreshing taste of chunmee tea is related to theanine, which is a unique amino acid in chunmee tea. When the amino acid content in chunmee tea is higher, the taste will be more refreshing.

  The ancient tree spring tea has high tenderness and high amino acid content, so the first taste of spring tea is very fresh.

  Sweet: sugar

  The sweetness of chunmee tea mainly comes from soluble sugars such as monosaccharides and disaccharides. The sugar content in chunmee tea is not high, but due to the different sensitivity of human taste organs to sweet and bitter tastes and different taste perception positions, The small amount of sugar in chunmee tea shows a stronger feeling after people feel a slightly bitter taste.

  Bitter: purine substances (mainly caffeine)

  Among the purine substances contained in chunmee tea, caffeine is mainly a bitter substance. Because it is easily volatile when exposed to heat, the bitterness of chunmee tea will show a significant downward trend after repeated brewing. Therefore, the longer the chunmee tea is brewed, the less bitter taste.

  The anthocyanin in chunmee tea is also a source of bitterness, which is easy to form and accumulate in the season of high temperature and strong sunlight, so summer tea has obvious bitterness and astringency.

  Astringency: Phenolic substances

  The phenolic substance in chunmee tea has the highest content of catechin. Among them, the ester catechin has a bitter and astringent taste and strong astringency. The astringency in tea soup is mainly due to the reaction of ester catechins with oral mucosal proteins to form impermeable substances, causing astringency. From a sensory point of view, astringency is also produced by stimulating tactile nerve endings.

  The content of chunmee tea is like seasoning. When there are more substances in it, the taste will tend to be more in that direction. Drinking tea is the content of chunmee tea, which is also a rich taste-sweet, bitter and astringent.